
The Risks of Untreated Hearing Loss

In our last two blogs, we discussed the signs of hearing loss:

-Difficulty hearing children or female voices

-Asking for frequent repetition

-Difficulty hearing in background or competing noise

-Turning up the volume of the tv or radio

-Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)

-Difficulty hearing on the telephone

-Auditory fatigue


We discussed all of these, and the fact that untreated hearing loss in adults is a growing epidemic.  We wouldn’t ignore advice to treat high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes, why would we ignore the risk factors of untreated hearing loss?  What ARE the risk factors of untreated hearing loss?


We know that hearing loss is frustrating for everyone involved. A recent study from Johns Hopkins reveals that not only is untreated hearing loss frustrating when communicating, but it increases the risks of walking difficulties, falls and cognitive impairments such as dementia.[1]  Johns Hopkins researcher Frank Lin, M.D., Ph. D states that “Brain scans show us that hearing loss may contribute to a faster rate of atrophy in the brain and contributes to social isolation.  These factors may contribute to dementia.” 

Johns Hopkins and Lin continue to investigate the link between untreated hearing loss and dementia with Lin stating “What we do know is there is no downside to using hearing aids.  They help most people who try them.  And in those people, they can make all the difference in the world – allowing people to reengage with friends and family and be more involved again.”  Who doesn’t wish that for their family and friends?  For themselves?

For many years research has shown that on average those with identified hearing loss wait between 7-10 years before seeking help.  This can be detrimental to quality of life now and in later years.  Research has shown an association between hearing loss and dementia, indicating that treating hearing loss may be a potential modifiable risk factor for dementia. [2] [3]

For those in the back of the room, or those with untreated hearing loss, let’s say that again in a different way.  The recent Lancet study released in 2023 found those with hearing loss who did not use hearing aids had a 42% increased risk of dementia.  The researchers observed no increased risk in those with hearing loss that used hearing aids.[4]

If we need an additional reason to consider treating identified hearing loss, what about this?  The Better Hearing Institute research shows that people with hearing loss who use hearing aids are less likely to feel down, depressed or hopeless, and are more likely to feel engaged in life, optimistic, and get pleasure out of doing things. 

As most Physician’s do not routinely screen for hearing loss, it is essential that you see an Audiologist to have your hearing tested. 

Call Fischer Hearing Centre at 306-533-1232, or email us at

We are happy to answer any questions, book a hearing test, or provide a hearing aid consultation or quote.  

Locally owned and operated, we are in the center of the city for your convenience.





[2] JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018;144:115-126

[3] Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra. 2017;7:440-452
